Dieting sucks!!! I never realized that it's not just changing what you eat. It's changing when you eat, where you eat, what you shop for, who you eat with, and most importantly WHY you eat.
After two weeks working with Jenny Craig, I've learned that planning my week of meals is so much easier than I thought! My program allows me to order my meals and snacks so this makes grocery shopping the fruits and veggies and skip the rest of the aisles. Even Clayton is benefitting because the freezer doesn't have room for frozen kids meals what with all of my frozen Jenny meals. While I'm cooking my Jenny meals, I've been taking the time to actually cook him meals every night. We've both realized we love raw spinach, raw okra, and kale. He's figured out that sweet potato fries are yummier than potato fries. We've eaten out at a restaraunt ONE time in the past 3 weeks...which for all of you that know us, that's amazing! He's had a McDonald's happy meal one time and chose apples over french fries.
I've realized that it does kind of suck to watch coworkers go out to eat every day for lunch. I miss Fuji!!! I've realized that my friends still love me when I say I don't want to go out to eat for dinner and that they love me enough to say OK when I asked if we could eat out somewhere that I could get a good side salad when we went out that one time for a friend's birthday. Of course, watching them drink grown up drinks was NOT fun but I realized that it's all okay lol!
On the bright side, I've realized that I FEEL so much better after just this short period of time of changing our food habits. I feel kind of like I did when I quit smoking. It's hard and it totally sucks sometimes doing without my favorite restaraunts, Tostitos and salsa, and ice cream. But then I realize that I took my kid to the park and actually got on the swings with him instead of sitting on the park bench. I can't wait to see how happy he is when I go on hikes with him.
In the mean time, I realize it's a small dent and it's only the beginning and I had a few stumbles. I went for two weeks without cheating and then wound up eating a slice of pizza the other night when I was taking care of a friend's kiddos. After I realized it totally made me sick to my stomach, I was happy to know that my lifestyle change was working. But my first week, I lost 9.8 pounds! I know my second weigh in tomorrow will not be any where near that!
YAY for two weeks down :)
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