Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Raging Battle for Acceptance

Food is definitely not the only thing that tempts me to destroy my well-being. I don’t even believe that it is the MOST or even WORST tempting craving. I never even really look to food for comfort…it’s usually boredom that makes me grab a box of Girl Scout cookies, a package of microwave popcorn, a bowl of chips, or anything else that is available.

I have done so much thinking and praying about what my battles are over the past year. My biggest battle is not feeling emotionally accepted and I’ve come to realize that I think it has always been my battle…since the youngest years I can remember. I remember wanting to fit in so badly in the small group of girls that comprised my elementary school grade. I never fit in…or at least not with the people I thought that I was supposed to fit in with. I was always just a little too nerdy, a little too over-protected, a little too naïve to be “cool” enough. High school was even worse because my family moved to a new state and I went from an all-girls school to a public high school that was 10x bigger than anything I’d ever experienced. The new school was huge and everyone had known each forever and I didn’t fit into any of the groups or the cliques. I learned quickly how to do just about anything (thankfully I was strong enough to stay away from drugs and promiscuity!) to fit in, join the crowd, and to “make” people like me.

After high school, I thought I could find acceptance with a guy. I went from one guy to the next, jumping in head over heels way too quickly. I thought that being physical with them would get them to “like” me more. I even married the first guy that I thought “liked” me enough after very little time and before knowing him or his family well enough to make a good decision. Unfortunately, I never found acceptance with him either. He started cheating on me with co-workers and other women only 9 months into our marriage. Then, I just thought if I was skinnier, sexier, more of a partier, more fun, less “wifely” maybe he’d accept me more. Of course, it didn’t work. He talked down to me constantly. He berated me, threatened me, and ridiculed me on a constant basis. He had me convinced that no one would ever want me besides him, that I could never make it or afford to live without him. He had me convinced of that for 10 VERY long years before one day I just couldn’t take it anymore and told him so.

Over the past several years, my biggest crutch or raging craving in my never-ending battle of looking for acceptance has played out on social media. Facebook was my best friend. I was THAT person who posted everything, anything, every picture, etc. I’d check it 100 times day to see who “liked” my pictures, “liked” my statuses, or commented on my life. I thought that the more comments and likes I had, the more that people would accept me. I was slowly driving myself into a very confusing battle that I was never going to win.

Through all of this, I knew who God was. But I didn’t know who God was to ME. I actually was raised in a very strict Catholic home but never ever heard that I could have a relationship with God. About two years ago, some very patient friends helped me figure out what it means to have a relationship with God. I am accepted. God only wants me.  This year, our pastor encouraged us to not make resolutions but instead  to think about the destination we want for our lives and the navigation we want to use to get us there.  I declared that I want my destination to be a bigger purpose. I can’t find God’s purpose for me unless I get rid of all of the road blocks and the detours that prevent me from hearing God’s plan for me.

My first step was to work on accepting that GOD ACCEPTS ME and that it doesn’t matter who else does. I don’t have to please anyone but God. And if I’m pleasing Him, then chances are that the people He puts in my path are going to be pleased with what I am doing also. So, I took Facebook out of my daily routine and off of my radar map. I deleted the app off of my phone so that I can’t check it constantly. I can only use to check on things occasionally from my home computer. I promised and journalled that I would make a better effort at making sure my account was not used as my contact for people and that I’d share with them in person. 

So far, it’s working. I keep finding new signs from friends (the people that God has place in my path to encourage me on my journey in my relationship with Him) that I am accepted by God, that He is happy with me, that He loves me. It’s a truly awesome feeling to discover this! I feel so much freer J